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tv   [untitled]    January 22, 2013 7:00am-7:30am EST

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war wastes and wages fell out israel's choices and part of the entry election underway now with voters expected to forge an even more hardline government at the ballot. bowl while the israeli settlers flock to the polling booth of course where they think their country's borders should buy we hear about the bargain hunters spearheading the charge into occupied my own. half a century of cooperation taken with a pinch of salt german and french leaders honor fifty years of their post-war alliance to make sharp political and economic divide casting a shadow over celebration. and
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a complete information blackout american citizens are spied upon by their own f.b.i. the bureau refuses to explain who they're tracking or why they're being targeted. by from our studios in moscow you're watching r t with me and he said now it's good to have you with us four pm here in the russian capital our top story millions of israelis are queuing up ballot boxes the country holds a snap parliamentary election but few doubt who will win with predictions of even an even more right wing and hardline government at the core of the vote are three issues rocketing living cost iran's nuclear ambitions and the peace deadlock with the palestinians owing to his uncompromising stance. incoming prime minister
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binyamin netanyahu is expected to not only hold on to power but solidify his sway over israel one of his positions giving him a boost in settlement construction an issue that's isolated israel internationally a filmmaker nimrod calmer known for his offbeat documentaries has been looking at the occupied territory properties that are. my name is me more than israeli citizen living here among. you one housing crisis of all time high the thing is there is another new one in jerusalem but i can also live among ourselves and i think i can get there much better do the wise over the. i will in my lead to me would like to see the flood to buy i'm here with some investors from england. we want to invest in this area because i'm hearing the property value might go up to one flat is one million shekels is photos for that and the building that this whole new area called zero eight and the one begins
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after those heels despite a few haters in the u.n. almost all the political parties support the building and selling of charming flats on palestinian land the latest talks he won east of jerusalem hello i'm here to show your client wants to buy property in this area is a big you want investor understand it's the only building currently built but if i can show him more. hills more outposts. you know an extension occupation two state solution who cares as long as the produce cheap is a jew man living i want to you know my jewishness and like be in touch with my roots . so it's all jewish or yeah yeah and you know in jewish parts because. not. many people say he is not being constructive in. the peace process but look
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how many settlements get constructed i'm hoping. to build a new settlement. this is the future for israel i believe and i'm afraid that if i buy that house and i get a document saying it's mine some day palestinians can scam and say no it's not yours because i keep listening to that in the u.k. . you see do you think there's a chance we're going to there's just one thing and. it's funny how those small actions had like international meaning. in moving of stones like monumentally. it's like messing with international law. this is the most disputed area you never met notice it just because people told us . but he says it is like a good place to build a new flat you think they'll build in this area like because my friends want to be
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like to buy something before we even construct and i was coming up and. it says this is the fail stone being set for the new god willing of the one facing the holy capital of his i pay so much money for rent in london anyone in london and here. and in the big city. comfortable it all starts here so beautiful all of us is ours. you can look down at palestinians this is the new area being built up as if you want i just call this real estate it's called hideout three they send all the flats in this part of town and they say no it's a city for certain men and it will never be evacuated today selling more and more how come all the cleaners of the city and all the bills are due to the jewish labor . should. i want to see an.
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agent to go to the all the legalities. of. selling your house spain the chance that. my house and my house. earlier i talked to the man behind that film about his real estate tore through occupied territory and commer painted
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a very opportunist picture settlement mentality some of the people i talk to never going to give up their house. heavily. into the settlement of the entire west bank and they told me that jordan is also the kind of part of the do is just call they told me that if someone is going to a victim which they don't believe in but if you're going to happen they're going to even make more money because the government will pay them compensation for the victims if you just go there and you buy if you can sell it to like jewish americans so did you actually buy into this. i mean i money with me and i didn't go all the way there but just got the best deal and i almost bought it because why why didn't i buy it if it was such a good deal you could make lots of money presumably. yeah i mean. i am
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jewish actually not all the way. the thirty two parties are vying for one hundred twenty seats in the knesset and already there are leaders are talking coalitions and the division of power we'll keep you updated with news and analysis of what they're up to throughout the day and beyond the close of the polls which is that midnight. how will change with to run develop will settle to expand just isolate can there be peace with gaza what's next in relations with america will that in you know who survive his snuff election on january twenty second. israel decides what are you. lots of glitz and gloss in berlin as german and french leaders celebrate fifty years of their country's alliance hugs and handshakes come despite their not yet agreeing on how to cure the eurozone debt contagion or overcome deep foreign policy divisions assessing whether there's more of those than highs in franco german relations right now here's our tease peter oliver. well it's
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certainly a meeting that's filled with pomp and circumstance but they as they celebrate the formal icing of the friendship between former foes but what we are seeing though is that they hoping that the celebration can paper over some of the divisions between here it's power couple of course france and germany the two major economies and the well the two biggest voices in europe really when it comes to how to tackle the eurozone crisis all around wants to see more spending to promote growth where is. stuck to her guns saying it's only through austerity that any kind of problems in the eurozone can be perhaps fixed now there's also rising concern here in germany over the state of the french economy the german people and german finance is looking to thinking well we don't want to get caught up will catch a cold if you'll recall and he sneezes it was a expected that the french economy went into recession at the end of twenty twelve
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hours also when it comes to matters of defense military matters germany and france not agreeing either front certainly pursuing a policy of intervention we've seen not in libya we're also seeing that right now in mali where is germany they have said that they were going to contribute any of their troops and it was backed up by. the finance minister here in germany and a key member of angler merkel's christian democrat party but he said that germany didn't want to be a major player in foreign policy said going on to say that well after hitler and auschwitz how could they be a major player so there is a difference there between how france views its place in the wider world and how germany based on well the two countries relative history so this meeting all smiles and handshakes however that there are some deep underlying cracks in the relationship between europe's power couple. well berlin based political scientists
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to drink their believes that francois along the thames to counterbalance germany's austerity push will only prolong europe's agony. well i mean certainly that was something that was very important for him in his election campaign and it was an important aspect in getting elected and he has had the minor success of having the growth pact to the fiscal pact but you know i think that can and probably are very focused on their authority politics and i don't think it will be an agreement that was before the cold war it was germany that carried the economic weight and france that carried the political weight now there's been a shift towards political weight for germany as well at least from a french perspective so that certainly has made cooperation more difficult. hundreds of thousands of people gathered to watch barack obama's inaugural speech after he was sworn in as u.s. president for a second term lodging to support democracy cross the world we hear why many experts
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believe more bombs could fall as the u.s. looks set to continue with its aggressive foreign policy that's coming up after a break. also heading your way jordan prepares for a snap parliamentary election with the u.s. backed monarchy saying it's the beginning of reform but the powerful muslim brotherhood boycott the vote saying it's a gimmick and change isn't happening fast enough. americans are being kept in the dark about how and why they're being followed by the nation's security agency a civil liberties group in the u.s. ask the f.b.i. to spell out what techniques it's using when it tracks citizens but is going to you can explain the reply raised more questions than answers. everybody knows that the f.b.i. uses all sorts of tracking devices on cars cell phones and whatnot everything that can carry g.p.s. the american civil liberties union filed the request under the freedom of information act asking for the justice department to review the f.b.i.'s guidelines
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their internal memos as to how and under what circumstances they track people as of now there is no clear understanding among americans of when they will be subjected to tracking possibly for months at a time or whether the government will first get a warrant this is the justice department's response more than one hundred pages of completely redacted material except for the title so to the question how when and why the government can track its citizens the f.b.i. responded with this takes a lot of ink to print out something like this some artistic souls may think of the painting black square by live each we're certainly not sure of the artistic intentions of the u.s. justice department or the meanings they put into these black pages but for civil liberties advocates here this is what government secrecy looks like actually it was last month when president obama signed a bill that essentially allows the government to spy on anyone they want under some
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kind of a general warrant as opposed to an individual words in other words it allows the national security agency to vacuum up as much private communication as possible with something like a promise on the authorities part to be really careful about when and how they look at it but civil liberties advocates argue that the bill of rights is not about the government promises of good intentions but about legal guarantees so president obama may be very convincing when he talks about individual freedoms we heard the words in his inaugural speech this monday. but here is the f.b.i. version of that freedom. later this hour max kaiser explains why america's to try to tear policing means arrest for activists give freedom for financier's. the threshold over which the us government has passed in terms of tyranny has a bandpass they passed it when they got rid of habeas corpus they passed it when they went through at the end the day they passed it when they started to murder us
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citizens extrajudicial they passed it with the bradford manning case that bradley manning the only man in case they passed that they've already passed a threshold of turning so why are americans sitting there thumb up their spending talking about well if there are any comes that's why i don't i find it hypocritical . going to take a short break here on r.g.p. and i'll be back with more news. do we speak your language i mean some of the will or not at the end. will music programs and documentaries and spanish matters to you breaking news a little tune into bangles stories. for you here. in troy ot spanish more and more visit. all tito's comb.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom are going to the big picture. here with our live from moscow well after two years of simmering and sometimes
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violent protest against corruption and enough to jordan is finally getting a parliamentary election the king called a vote to appease those demanding change but as the calf and now reports it threatens to push the country further into crisis beneath the calm facade here in jordan is a simmering crisis the kingdom has remained relatively stable amid the wave of regimes falling in the arab spring wednesday's parliamentary elections are part of the reform efforts undertaken by the government in an attempt to quell popular dissatisfaction and the. i'm optimistic that our political system has taken a big step forward if a parliament wants to enjoy respect to the very first thing it needs is to be elected is there is only their election that's what our future parliament is going to be. but a balanced parliament just something that is highly unlikely to come out of this election it's being boycotted by georgia's most powerful political movement the
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muslim brotherhood citing a new law that critics claim gives an unfair advantage to regime loyalists the islamists and their allies have branded the elections as worthless. one of the most like why do people take part in the spectacle called the parliamentary elections elections the way they are know and all the potential rules the way they are cannot be taken seriously they do not represent the people's will band in many mideast states up until the arab spring jordan's branch of the muslim brotherhood has been a licensed political party for decades but seeing as own contemporaries come to power in egypt and tunisia it is now openly seeking a much larger role but one muslim one of. the muslim brotherhood a boycotting the elections because this lore is not in their interest but the other parties are boycotting the elections because they will be held according to democratic law. there to meet with king abdullah and says that he's serious about
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reform but there are other threats on the horizon. our main problem is economic unemployment and inflation are rising at the same time that the cost of products is soaring there is considerable unrest among the population was the country has long struggled economically and relies heavily on aids from western and gulf donors last november saw an eruption of violence nationwide protests over cuts in food and fuel subsidies one of the conditions imposed by the i.m.f. for a two billion dollar emergency loan and other financial and political. cern is the flood of syrian refugees hundreds of thousands have fled to jordan with more pouring over the border every day there are worries that the syrian conflict may follow its people into the kingdom what islam is striving for more power a tough situation on the border and a dire economic crisis jordan is finding itself caught between a rock and
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a hard place due to the boycott the elections are unlikely to produce any meaningful change in the once stable kingdom looks to be in for a long period of uncertainty you see counseling of r t amman jordan. winter fun for some and seasonal hell for others snow would be a surprise in winter in europe but a blanket things got transport in a span and cost countries to seize during the freeze will report shortly for you from month. first the u.s. president barack obama has laid out his plans for his second term in the white house in a wide ranging speech touching on issues from immigration reform to gay rights he placed a special emphasis on supporting democracy around the world whether benedict former leader of the libertarian party says this obama administration looks set to continue to use military force to try to fulfill its aims. it's
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almost embarrassing you know as an american i have trouble keeping track of where our troops are these days where were intervening and so for me to try and predict where it's happening not to mention that there are secret operations going on around the world and do we have our troops in over one hundred countries and we assist we intervene in the election processes in other places so there's not really any real. activity to do things other than militarily i'm a libertarian and the way i'd like to see us affect other country's policies is by setting a good example of how other countries should act i don't want to force democracy or freedom at the point of a gun or air strikes and i don't want to impose that on other countries. creaming off some tasty profits while millions struggle to feed themselves wall street's under fire for forcing up food prices starvation by exploiting the farming futures
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market look we report online. and japan's elderly are told to hurry up and die by the new finance minister who says old people cost too much to keep alive had to r.t. dot com for more. than three. four three. three. three. three. three broke video for your media project free media r t v dot com. snowballing sliding and making snowman all the central winter fun in many northern countries but in some not so snow friendly parts of europe freezing temperatures and even small amounts of the white stuff is causing travel chaos the u.k.
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is among the country's brought to a standstill by the perfectly seasonal weather as artie's saraf are reports. all across the united kingdom right now right till it feels like this like kid in london every way covered in this blanket is snowy but was this looks absolutely beautiful it's being causing chaos around the country for the five thousand schools are being placed claims are being grounded and trains the being delayed as once again persons transport system creaks under the pressure of a little bit of snow causing havoc to commuters as we've been finding out. things with the first one so hope whenever i think it's ridiculous other countries seem to manage i think we should catch up about very good to smalling. like the whole absolutely the silly thing about half a century around the place anyway so you know we have to travel to sort it out of the way from rochester on to. try and start to take the train to some pancras.
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then let me go from the underground to here i guess i'm going to go back about why but it's not just commuters of course being affected as the cold weather continues some economists are concerned that as people struggle to get into work on time with shops and restaurants having to close early that this could impact an already fragile economy and it looks like the cold weather is here to stay a little bit longer the met office of ishita severe weather warning of course large parts of the country looks like much of the chaos we've seen over the past couple of days but to continue here prevailing once again when it comes to britain a little bit of snow can cause a lot of trouble so if. london. in other world headlines at least five people have been killed in a car bombing in iraq's capital baghdad police reports say that the blasts ripped
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through a busy market in the north of the city at around midday at least two soldiers were among those killed and twelve more people were wounded early in the day a suicide car bombing targeted a checkpoint south of the capital and killed five people wounding fourteen more that's according to authorities. britain is considering boosting its military assistance for the french combat action against islamists in mali so far it sent two warplanes and says there could be further the just tickle support the move follows a deadly hostage crisis in neighboring algeria which was in retaliation to france's invasion at least thirty seven for a nationalist including french british and americans were killed during the terrorist siege of a gas plant that was stormed by algerian forces over that we can't. a group of turkish protesters have tried to breach the air force base near the city of atlanta where nato troops are assembling to patriot missile batteries to be
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deployed near the syrian border clash with soldiers resulting in twenty five arrests earlier the first of the six batteries and troops arriving with were met with protests in the port city of. turkey has been a staunch critic of the us regime throughout the syrian conflict and has openly supported the rebels. coming out of our g.'s kaiser report on the two faces of u.s. policing stay with us.
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i've. welcome to the kaiser report on max kaiser america is a frickin good. that's right america is becoming a good leg what are steve jobs the founder of apple had done fifty years in prison for his blue box shenanigans in which to use an authorized on authorized advice to make free phone calls instead of hanging out with the president or of mark zuckerberg a done thirty years for illegally accessing arbors computer databases to create the first facebook and stead of hanging out with the president one of america began
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sending its best its brightest its innovators and electoral troublemakers not to the moon or to the nasdaq or to the boardroom but to the good leg not to university or to the white house but to the gulag when it starts doing that you know then that it is in fact a deadbeat nation a gulag nation and a shell of its former self states you never yes max this is referring to aaron swartz the internet activist the man responsible for stopping sopa the young man twenty six he killed himself a little bit over a week ago now i've been thinking about the fact that tyranny has been in the news it's been on c.n.n. the young turks m s n b c everybody's covering this story this interview that alex jones gave with piers morgan and then you see here the local news on channel four b.b.c. they're covering the fact that americans are afraid of tyranny and yet when you look at it there's no hevia score for is there's no due process.


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